Sentiment Lexicon for English

SentiLex English - Lexicon

Here we make publicly available SentiLex sentiment lexicon for English. The creation of the dictionary is thoroughly described in:
Glavaš, Goran, Jan Šnajder, and Bojana Dalbelo Bašić. "Experiments on hybrid corpus-based sentiment lexicon acquisition." Proceedings of the Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012.

Sentiment Lexicon for Croatian

SentiLex Croatian - Evaluation sets

Here we make publicly available evaluation sets for sentiment lexicon for Croatian.
We prepared three different evaluation sets, with different levels of inter-annotator agreement. All evaluation sets were split evenly into two sets: one for model validation and parameter fitting and other for testing. For each complete set (containing words marked with "+", "-", and "0") we prepared accompanying "polar" set, containing only words marked with "+" and "-". Therefore, there are 4 files available for each level of inter-annotator agreement: validation set, test set, polar validation set, and polar test set.

All files are encoded in UTF8 and have Windows line endings.


Creative Commons License
SentiLex - all files available by TakeLab, FER are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.