Your new product is getting a ton of comments on your Facebook page? You want to find out what customers really think about your product, without going through thousand of comments manually? Do not fret — we’ve just started a project called CATACX (Cog-Affective social media Text Analytics for Customer eXperience analysis) aiming to improve customer experience through state-of-the-art text analytics.
You have placed a new product or service, made sure to promote it well, but it just doesn’t make the cut? Don’t think that customers won’t tell you about it on your social media page! Unfortunately, finding out what went wrong (or what you actually did right) from thousands of comments does not make for an easy task. It is tedious, expensive and ain’t nobody got time for that! We have recently started a new project called CATACX (Cog-Affective social media Text Analytics for Customer eXperience analysis) aiming to improve customer experience through state-of-the-art text analytics, going beyond shallow sentiment analysis and finding out what customers really think about your product or service.
Funder: Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments
Funding: 465.000,00 HRK
Funding scheme: Proof of Concept Programme 6 / Program provjere inovativnog koncepta 6
Grant number: Grant PoC6_1_147
Principal investigator (PI): Assoc. Prof. Jan Šnajder
Participants: TakeLab
Duration: 1 year (2016 – 2017)