
Enbekon EDS Information Extraction

Collaboration with Enbekon Data Services on a number of specific information extraction tasks from German company reports.


The project is a collaboration with the German company Enbekon Data Services. The collaboration focuses on extracting valuable information on German business subjects from various legal sources written in natural language. The goal of the project is to extract general and financial data for companies in German private sector so this data could be structured, organized and presented to the clients via the busni.de portal.

The collaboration is currently being executed in two separate information extraction projects: (1) information extraction from German legal note publications by Commercial Courts and (2) information extraction from balance sheet reports published by companies themselves.

TakeLab is proud of the successful collaboration with Enbekon Data Services.

Project fact sheet

Participants: Enbekon Data Services, Takelab FER
Duration: 9 months (ongoing)