The main goal of the project is establishing Interdisciplinary curricula and Centre for post-graduate studies and research in Cognitive Sciences in Croatia
The aim of the project is to study and benchmark best European experiences in organizing interdisciplinary study and research programmes in the field of Cognitive Sciences; to establish the interdisciplinary Centre of Cognitive Sciences as an open University department with international orientation; to develop a new masters and doctoral programme to be carried out by the Centre of Cognitive Sciences in line with European standards; to test and improve the curricula in the national and international environments; to implement pilot interdisciplinary research projects in the Centre.
Participants: The National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia; University of Rijeka;
University of Split; University of Zadar; Budapest University of Technology and Economics; Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Duration: 2 years (2007 – 2009)