
Podium contains a number of predefined hook classes which you can instantiate and use in your Fields. Most of these hooks are customizable and can work both as pretokenization hooks as well as post-tokenization hooks.


If you apply a hook as post-tokenization, it will be called for each element in the tokenized sequence!

Hooks should be cast to post-tokenization only if their application would otherwise influence the tokenization process. Setting a hook to post-tokenization is expected to take longer than the same hook being used during pretokenization.

Moses Normalizer¶

podium.preproc.MosesNormalizer is a hook that wraps MosesPunctNormalizer from sacremoses. Accepts the language for the punctuation normalizer to be applied on. Normalizes whitespace, unicode punctuations, numbers and special control characters.

>>> from podium.preproc import MosesNormalizer
>>> moses = MosesNormalizer(language="en")
>>> text = "A                 _very_     spaced   sentence"
>>> print(moses(text))
A _very_ spaced sentence

By default, MosesNormalizer is a pretokenization hook, which means it expects a single string as an argument. We can cast it to a post-tokenization hook with the podium.preproc.as_posttokenize_hook() helper function that transforms the built-in pretokenization hooks to post-tokenization hooks. As a result, the hook now expectes two arguments.

>>> from podium.preproc import as_posttokenize_hook
>>> moses = as_posttokenize_hook(moses)
>>> raw_text = None
>>> tokenized_text = ["A        ","         _very_","     spaced  "," sentence"]
>>> print(moses(raw_text, tokenized_text))
(None, ['A ', ' _very_', ' spaced ', ' sentence'])

Regex Replace¶

podium.preproc.RegexReplace is a hook that applies regex replacements. As an example, we can replace all non-alphanumeric characters from SST instances. First, we will setup loading of the SST dataset, which we will use throughout the following examples. For reference, we will now print out the instance we will apply the transformation on:

>>> from podium import Field, LabelField, Vocab
>>> from podium.datasets import SST
>>> text = Field('text', numericalizer=Vocab())
>>> label = LabelField('label')
>>> fields={'text':text, 'label':label}
>>> sst_train, sst_test, sst_dev = SST.get_dataset_splits(fields=fields)
>>> print(sst_train[222])
    text: (None, ['A', 'slick', ',', 'engrossing', 'melodrama', '.']),
    label: (None, 'positive')

Now, we need to define our replacements, each a (Pattern, str) tuple where the pattern matched is replaced with the string.

>>> from podium.preproc import RegexReplace
>>> non_alpha = r"[^a-zA-Z\d\s]"
>>> replacements = RegexReplace([
...     (non_alpha, '')
... ])
>>> text = Field('text', numericalizer=Vocab(),
...              pretokenize_hooks=[replacements],
...              keep_raw=True)
>>> fields={'text':text, 'label':label}
>>> sst_train, sst_test, sst_dev = SST.get_dataset_splits(fields=fields)
>>> print(sst_train[222])
    text: ('A slick  engrossing melodrama ', ['A', 'slick', 'engrossing', 'melodrama']),
    label: (None, 'positive')

As we can see, the non-alphanumeric characters have been removed from the sequence. Similarly, you can pass a list of regex replacements which will then be executed in the order given. Please do take note that regular expressions are not known for their speed and if you can perform a replacement without using one, it might be beneficial.

Text Cleanup¶

podium.preproc.TextCleanUp is a pretokenization hook, a wrapper of a versatile library that can perform a number of text cleaning operations. For full options, we refer the reader to the cleantext repository . In Podium, podium.preproc.TextCleanUp can be used as follows:

>>> from podium.preproc import TextCleanUp
>>> cleanup = TextCleanUp(remove_punct=True)
>>> text = Field('text', numericalizer=Vocab(), pretokenize_hooks=[cleanup], keep_raw=True)
>>> sst_train, sst_test, sst_dev = SST.get_dataset_splits(fields={'text':text, 'label':label})
>>> print(sst_train[222])
    text: ('A slick engrossing melodrama', ['A', 'slick', 'engrossing', 'melodrama']),
    label: (None, 'positive')

NLTK Stemmer¶

podium.preproc.NLTKStemmer is a post-tokenization hook that applies the NLTK stemmer to the tokenized sequence. This hook, for obvious reasons, cannot be used as a pretokenization hook.

>>> from podium.preproc import NLTKStemmer
>>> stemmer = NLTKStemmer(language="en", ignore_stopwords=True)
>>> text = Field('text', numericalizer=Vocab(), posttokenize_hooks=[stemmer])
>>> sst_train, sst_test, sst_dev = SST.get_dataset_splits(fields={'text':text, 'label':label})
>>> print(sst_train[222])
    text: (None, ['a', 'slick', ',', 'engross', 'melodrama', '.']),
    label: (None, 'positive')

Spacy Lemmatizer¶

podium.preproc.SpacyLemmatizer is a post-tokenization hook that applies the Spacy lemmatizer to the tokenized sequence. This hook, for obvious reasons, cannot be used as a pretokenization hook.

>>> from podium.preproc import SpacyLemmatizer
>>> lemmatizer = SpacyLemmatizer(language="en")
>>> text = Field('text', numericalizer=Vocab(), posttokenize_hooks=[stemmer])
>>> sst_train, sst_test, sst_dev = SST.get_dataset_splits(fields={'text':text, 'label':label})
>>> print(sst_train[222])
    text: (None, ['a', 'slick', ',', 'engross', 'melodrama', '.']),
    label: (None, 'positive')


podium.preproc.truecase() is a pre-tokenization hook that applies truecasing the the input strings. The oov argument controls how the library handles out-of-vocabulary tokens, the options being {"title", "lower", "as-is"}.

>>> from podium.preproc import truecase
>>> apply_truecase = truecase(oov='as-is')
>>> print(apply_truecase('hey, what is the weather in new york?'))
Hey, what is the weather in New York?

Stopword removal¶

podium.preproc.remove_stopwords() is a post-tokenization hook that removes stop words from the tokenized sequence. The list of stop words is provided by SpaCy and the language is controlled by the language parameter.


The spacy stopword list is in lowercase, so it is recommended to lowercase your tokens prior to stopword removal to avoid unexpected behavior.

>>> from podium.preproc import remove_stopwords
>>> remove_stopwords_hook = remove_stopwords('en')
>>> raw_text = None
>>> tokenized_text = ['in', 'my', 'opinion', 'an', 'exciting', 'and', 'funny', 'movie']
>>> print(remove_stopwords_hook(raw_text, tokenized_text))
(None, [opinion', 'exciting', 'funny', 'movie'])

Keyword extraction¶

podium.preproc.KeywordExtractor is a special post-tokenization hook that extracts keywords from the raw sequence. Currently, two keyword extraction algorithms are supported: yake and rake.


The results in the following example are not representative due to the short input text.

>>> from podium.preproc import KeywordExtractor
>>> keyword_extraction_hook = KeywordExtractor('yake', top=3)
>>> raw_text = 'Next conference in San Francisco this week, the official announcement could come as early as tomorrow.'
>>> tokenized_text = []
>>> _, keywords = keyword_extraction_hook(raw_text, tokenized_text)
>>> print(keywords)
['san francisco', 'francisco this week', 'conference in san']


Various tools that can be used for preprocessing textual datasets, not necessarily intended to be used as hooks.

SpaCy sentencizer¶

podium.preproc.SpacySentencizer can be used to split input strings into sentences prior to tokenization.

Hook conversion¶

podium.preproc.as_posttokenize_hook() can be used to convert a built-in pretokenization hook to a post-tokenization hook.